Annual General Meeting
PLEASE NOTE: we have delayed our AGM until 22nd April 2021 now due to Covid Restrictions.
Dear Member,
We hope you are keeping well and feeling positive about the ‘road map’ out of lockdown.
If all goes according to plan Community Centres will be able to open from the 12th April but this will be for a very limited range of activities.
As so much remains ‘on hold’ membership of Wonford Community and Learning Centre (WCLC) has been extended again until the end of June 2021.
The WCLC AGM will now take place on Thursday 22nd April. All members are invited to attend via Zoom. If members have questions or comments these can also be sent in by post, email or Facebook.
If you would like to become more involved in the running of the Centre there are vacancies for Trustees. Please email or ring the Centre for more information.
To keep up to date on when activities and groups are hoping to restart please look at our website
When restrictions allow we are hoping to restart our Café – initially outside and then in the hall. If you are free on Thursday mornings and would be able to help out serving teas, coffees and snacks then we would love to hear from you!
Best wishes
The Trustees
If you wish to join Bingo or just want to get more involved in the Community Centre activities consider our membership. £5.00 per person per year.
Benefits of membership
- Join in our Bingo Sessions
- Join in the activities and trips with our Wednesday Club
- 10% Discount on bookings for parties and events
- Members also have a vote at our Annual General Meeting
Feedback, Comments and Questions
If you would like to attend the AGM or participate via Zoom, contact the Centre Manager Helen who will take your details and get in touch nearer the time with arrangements for attending.
Or if you would like to offer some feedback, ask a question then please do drop us an email or phone in to the centre.
Tel: 01392 217868