01392 217868 wclcentre@outlook.com


Regular Activities



Bone health exercise class 11.30 – 12.30 with Chris Bundy Tel 07980916319 for more information

Line Dance with Luv2Danz from 2pm Contact Monica on 07498452393 for more information

Andy’s Man Club – Starting 15th April – 7pm, every Monday, except bank holidays.

Boogie Bounce exercise classes at 6pm  Contact Sam 07720978888

Boxercise – starting in October, more details soon.


Inclusive Exeter Drop In Support Service 9.30 – 12.30

Line Dance with Luv2Danz from 7pm Monica 07498452393

MoveMENt – Yoga for men – More info by emailing or calling Tom mrfranklinteach@gmail.com,  07900395141


Community Cafe – 10.00 to 12 midday run by the Community Centre

Wonford Walking Group part of ‘Westbank Health Walks’’ 10.15am

Wednesday Club run by the Community Centre – open from 1.30 till 4pm

Boogie Bounce exercise classes at 6pm  Contact Sam 07720978888


Pilates from 9.30am to 10.30am Contact Karen to book a place kaz.perryman@gmail.com

Community Café from 10.30am to 12.30pm run by the Community Centre

Martial Arts 5pm till 8pm


Mobilates (seated and supported pilates) from 10am Contact info@mobilates.co.uk

Age UK Tea Dance from 2pm



Book a 3 hour party slot at weekends
in our Main Hall
between 9am and 7pm
subject to availability

£75 for non members
£67.50 for members

party booking in the hall
Bouncy Castles booked directly via external companies, insurance to be seen before party.
Neighbourly and Book Swap 2024

Neighbourly Donations
and Book Swap

We are pleased to say that we are continuing our Neighbourly Project by sharing donations from the Neighbourly Project and Lidl’s, in our community. This helps to prevent food going to waste and also helps our community during tough times.
We are happy to still take donations of foods that do not require storing in a fridge, or freezer, ideally unopened.
The table will be in our reception area on a Tuesday, Wednesday 10am till 12 noon and in our cafe on a Thursday 10.30 till 12.30, as long as there are donations to be shared.
We also have our book swap trolley, so if you are looking for something different to read, come and browse our selection.
(We have plenty so are not currently looking for book donations, but feel free to swap some!)
Pilates sept 2023

Karen’s Pilates

Pilates can improve postuire. muscle tone, joint mobility and more!

ONLY £5 per class paid in advance for the month
Or pay weekly £6 per class (book 24 hours before)

Contact Karen to book a place kaz.perryman@gmail.com


drop in support service

Mesothelioma & Lung Cancer Support and Information

Drop In or make an appointment at the Wonford Community Centre, Burnthouse Lane, Exeter, EX2 6NF – see dates below;

Weds 18 September 2024  – 11.30 am to 1pm

Weds 16 October 2024        – 11.30 am to 1pm

Weds 20 November 2024    – 11.30 am to 1pm

For Respiratory Conditions below that could be linked to past exposures to asbestos dust or other dust:

  • Mesothelioma; Lung/abdomen (can be from a clinical diagnosis). The exposures to asbestos dust can be from very low levels and you may not even know where or how you were exposed, until you speak with a specialist. Apply for your automatic DWP payment (see overleaf), even if you were NOT exposed to any asbestos.
  • Lung Cancerthis is where you would have previously worked with, or near to, asbestos and normally in the building trade, plumbing, carpentry, electrical. This can be any type of lung cancer and still enquire even if you have a smoking history
  • Asbestosis / Fibrosisfrom past exposures to asbestos dust
  • Pleural Thickening/Plaques; these can sometimes indicate past exposure to asbestos dust
  • Byssinosis / silicosis: from exposures to masonry/cotton dust/chemicals
  • DWP Government Lump Sum Payments (see tariff overleaf for both in life applications and posthumous applications from family members), and/or Industrial Injuries Disablement Pension. Some people only require the DWP payments and we can make these DWP applications free of charge.
  • Lump Sum Payments through the Mesothelioma Payment Scheme
  • Armed Forces Lump Sum Payments – Payments available through the Veteran’s Agency: always enquire if you served in the Armed Forces and have a cancer diagnosis or respiratory condition as you may be eligible for a payout as you could have been exposed to chemicals or asbestos during your service.
  • Personal Injury Trusts Advice: this is to ensure that any state benefits you may currently receive, are not at risk from a lump sum payment from any of the above sources.  This is because some state benefits are means tested.

For more information or for home visits/telephone advice, email or call:

Pauline at Wonford Community Centre;

01392 217868

Email: wclcentre@outlook.com

Automatic Payment Tariff for Mesothelioma Government Lump Sum Payments  – (tax free)


  • Lump Sum Payments are set out below for a diagnosis of Mesothelioma (lower sums may be available for other asbestos conditions, see overleaf). Other weekly benefits may be available.
  • Apply as soon as possible after receiving a diagnosis to ensure that you receive the full amount. For fatal cases, family members should enquire for posthumous payments.

Age      Award                                                 Age      Award

37        £ 114,210                                            60        £ 53,670

38        £ 111,989                                            61        £ 47,902

39        £ 109,774                                            62        £ 42,137

40        £ 107,558                                            63        £ 38,588

41        £ 105,337                                            64        £ 35,035

42        £ 103,120                                            65        £ 31,493

43        £ 102,015                                            66        £ 27,943

44        £ 100,899                                            67        £ 24,395

45        £ 99,794                                              68        £ 23,672

46        £ 98,684                                              69        £ 22,947

47        £ 97,575                                              70        £ 22,234

48        £ 94,476                                              71        £ 21,513

49        £ 91,373                                              72        £ 20,795

50        £ 88,262                                              73        £ 20,181

51        £ 85,162                                              74        £ 19,556

52        £ 82,048                                              75        £ 18,957

53        £ 79,833                                              76        £ 18,356

54        £ 77,619                                              77        £ 17,745

55        £ 75,406

56        £ 73,177

57        £ 70,960

58        £ 65,197

59        £ 59,428

poster about movement, yoga for men

Hello Exeter community of men,

I’m Tom – I’ve been a teacher for 20 years. I am now branching out to teach yoga and movement for men, here in Exeter. This class is a men only class. It takes place on a Tuesday evening (8pm – 9pm) at the Phoenix Centre, Wonford Community Hall (next to the sports centre, opposite Lidl).

Are you a man or do you know one, who may have been put off yoga in classes which were too fast paced or simply too difficult? In this MoveMENt class we will tackle some of the best moves for us at a correct pace. A small class means we can focus on you and how to support and how to challenge your body and your mind.

You will be able to keep up and you will come away from it feeling great and wanting more!

Come along for your first class for free, I look forward to meeting you soon, whatever your goals!


More info by emailing or calling Tom
07900395141 – or just come along!


If you wish to get more involved in the Community Centre activities consider our membership.  £6.00 per person per year.

Benefits of membership

  • Join in the activities and trips with our Wednesday Club
  • 10% Discount on bookings for parties and events
  • Discount in the Community Cafe
  • Discount at Games Night
  • Members also have a vote at our Annual General Meeting

Online Booking Calendar

Online booking is now available, please log in to the calendar on the bookings page manage your bookings or you can email the centre as usual to make a request


or by calling 01392 217868.



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